3D Work
PrioVR Full Motion Gaming
I began working on the PrioVR project in January of 2014. There I created content for game demos that would showcase the suit. I was the Character Artist for the project and handled character modeling, texturing, rigging, and motion capture.
A gallery of some of the character work I’ve done. I modeled, textured, and rigged all of the characters.

PrioVRGirl Test

PrioVrGirl Crouch 1

PrioVRGirl SideWalking 1

PrioVRGirl BackWalking


Goblin Wireframe

Goblin Armor

Goblin Armor Wireframe
Turn tables of some modular zombie parts for the Zombie Demo. I did the modeling, sculpting, and texturing.
3D Models for Mars Colony Game
I did the models and textures.



Satellite Crashed
